I am going to deploy everything in one Cluster since Kubernetes Clusters are expensive. Then I am going to move the LDAP into that cluster since it is not required to have it outside now.
Production Kubernetes with DevOps Part 1 – Visualization
Production Kubernetes with DevOps can get insanely complicated due to the many tools, many integrations and many uncertain areas associated with it.
I am going to take a stab at building one. I want to see what I can come up with within two weeks time. I am only going to visualize what I need to have today. The best way to do that for me is to create a few slides. I hope having these slides will help me remember the whole setup in the future.
Use a Custom Domain to send Emails with Mailgun
This is something pretty straight forward. There are two options for you to do that.
Use a Custom Domain to receive Emails with Mailgun Part 2
I got a response from Mailgun within a few hours saying now my domain is enabled. Looks like the domain is active now. Emails to info@pubudu.online
are now getting delivered.
Use a Custom Domain to receive Emails with Mailgun Part 1
The next thing you want after purchasing your new domain is to get an email address with that domain name.
I decided to use Mailgun for that since maintaing your own mail servers is a cumebrsome task. I am not going to create a new Mailgun account since I already have one. You might have to enter your Credit Card information when you register. But you will not be charged untill you send more than 10 000 emails a month.
Bare-metal Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with just Docker
I wanted to demonstrate how all pieces fit together in an environment with microservices. That demo is here.
I am going to use Consul
, Registrator
, HAProxy
, Jenkins
and all other good stuff. A huge Thank You goes to the folks in the Open Source Community who created the Docker Images and Documentation around them showing how to use them.
If you want to see how the Load Balancer( HAProxy) starts routing traffic to a newly discovered service, I would suggesst going through Consul
and Registrator
So let’s get started.
Responsive YouTube for Jekyll
A huge shout-out goes to eduardoboucas for figuring this out. He has written a long blog post on this.
He fixes the responsiveness issues by adding a few classes to the Style Sheets and by creating a partial that gets rendered by Jekyll’s Templating Engine.